Friday 10 December 2010

A Story of an Unlit Cigarette... and a Promise to be Kept!

Seth had devilish sparkles in his eyes, as he sipped his coffee and smoked, in that strangely attractive way of his. He was dressed in black from had to toe, except for his socks and belt, which were red and made him look like some distant cousin to Billy Joe Armstrong, the lead vocalist of Green Day. Of course, I didn't say that out loud. Neither did I mention how nicely the light stubble of beard outlined his handsome features. His lips seemed even softer, then they generally are, and the dimple on his chin... It was hard to keep up with what he was saying, and not to just stare at his mouth, as he spoke. 

He brought the cigarette to his lips and took a slow, deliberate drag, making the tip of the cig lighten for a second or two. He blew out a cloud of smoke and winked at me mischievously. I shook my head: he shouldn't be allowed to smoke inside a cafe, no matter how famous a writer he is. But the manager hadn't told him anything, quite the contrary, really, and we were in a private... compartment, let's call it, so Seth was getting exactly what he wanted. He usually does. It's one of the reasons, why being in his company is such a challenge... He tends to get under your skin. Like a disease.

"You're thinking too hard", Seth said, as he brought the cigarette to his lips again. There was something very... compelling, about the way he lightly brushed the bottom of the cig with his teeth, how he inhaled the smoke; the dark glint in his eyes. It brought images to my mind, images that had nothing to do with smoking... And Seth, the devil, knew that perfectly well! "You're scowling, Sam, and I haven't done anything to deserve that expression..." He didn't sound worried about it, though. Amused, maybe, but certainly not worried. "What's on your mind?"

As I didn't have a good answer to his question, at least not one that didn't make me feel embarrassed, I didn't say anything. Seth chuckled and sipped his coffee. I had the sudden desire to snatch the cup from his hand and spill its content all over his... shirt, or something! He was capable to drive me insane, just by sitting there... looking all innocent and charming! My, sometimes I really hated him...

"You know, I never could forget that expression of yours", he whispered and leaned down over the table, coming closer to me. I was staring right into his eyes now, was close enough to smell his cologne. Just like he could smell my perfume. "Jasmine" The word slipped off Seth's tongue so swiftly, soft and sweet like honey. "It always was your favorite... " If he came any closer, I was going to slap him. "It's your scent, Sam... It was always yours!"

"And you never knew how to act like a gentleman..."

"For you, I will be a prince, if I have to..." Seth replied in a low tone, then moved forward, as if intending to kiss me...

The sudden ringing of his phone spoiled the moment and helped me regain my composure and the ability to move. I pushed my chair back and glared at him, daring him to try one of his "tricks" again. Seth tried playing an angel, but I wasn't fooled the slightest little bit. There was darkness in his eyes. That sweet dark that fills a man's eyes, when he sees something that he wants, that he desires, something that he considers his, and he is about to claim it. Michael had an almost identical look sometimes, but it didn't bother me then.

Getting that look from Seth scared me. It scared me, because it meant things that I wasn't willing to face. Things that I didn't even want to think about, or say aloud. 

"I have to go", I said hastily, not caring any more if it was too obvious that I was running away.

"And I have to take this", Seth replied, irritation seeping into his husky voice. "International calls... It's always harder to ignore those, don't you think?"

"My  heart bleeds for you..."

"You're angry", Seth sat back in his chair, but kept his gaze locked with mine. "I make you feel nervous, don't I?"

"You play games, Seth. Always did. You call me every day to meet and discuss your book, but all you do is..." I felt myself blushing and that made me angry. "You try to play on the feelings you know I still have for you and to manipulate me..."

"Not manipulate", he said all of a sudden. "I would never..."

"Then stop acting like we're still teenagers and I'm yours to concur!" I realised my voice had risen an octave or two, but I didn't care. "You had your chance, Seth, and you blew it. Now you'll have to live with the consequences..."

"Or I will never see you again?"

"Yes", I confirmed what he already knew. "Or this will be the last time you will ever see me."

Seth sat quite for a minute, playing with an unlit cigarette, and just looked at me. I didn't flinch. Didn't blink. Didn't avert my eyes. At the end, he let out a sigh and gave up. It was the first time I'd ever seen him do that.

 "I promise to be a perfect gentleman, from this moment on", Seth said in a firm voice and put the cigarette on the table between us. "I will not bother you in any way, until..."

"No "until"..."

"...until you tell me you're ready to give me a second chance." He finished, as though I hadn't opened my mouth. His tone was calm, when he added. "And you will, Sam. You will. Remember? I always get what I want..."

If I could quarrel with that statement, I would have. Unfortunately, there was nothing I could say about it.

Seth always got what he wanted.

But not this time, I thought. Not this time.

As if he'd read my mind, he smiled. And that smile gave me chills.

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